
Master’s Program Economic Policy

In this section you will find some general information on the structure of the Master’s program in Economic Policy (MEPS: Master Economic Policy in Siegen). You will find

  • Program overviews
  • Description of the modules.
  • Examination regulations.
  • Forms for registration for the final thesis, for cancellation of examinations, etc.
  • Informations on recognitions of examinations (from other studies).
  • Special regulations for individual modules.

Further information about the course of study you find on the homepage of the Master in Economic Policy Siegen (MEPS). General information about the study programs of the faculty can be found on the faculty’s website .

Examination regulations, module descriptions, program overview
Rules Concerning Research Modules
  • Research Modules are announced on a revolving basis via the homepage of the examination office (“Prüfungsamt”) at https://pafak3.wiwi.uni-siegen.de/info/wp-content/uploads/Studiengang/Langfristplanung/ep-msc-2019.pdf. This allows students to plan according to their individual preferences with a perspective of one to two years in advance. Note that these announcements, however, are subject to change and not absolutely binding. It is intended to stick to these announcements, but due to unforeseen events this cannot be guaranteed. Binding announcements of Research Modules (and other modules) are exclusively made via unisono. Students will check the individual homepages of the professors and the examination office as well as unisono regularly to keep up with new information.
  • There are two necessary steps for registration: First, students will apply in unisono for the lecture/exercise (unisono is available by end of January for the following summer semester and by end of July for the following winter semester); also students will inform themselves about the detailed contents of the course. Second, students must register in unisono for the examination (here be sure to register under the examinaton number  ending with „-P“: 3EPMA019-P, 3EPMA21-P, 3EPMA022-P, 3EPMA024-P or 3EPMA030-P); this can be done from February 15 to March 20 for the following summer semester and August 15 to September 20 for the following winter semester. (Note that the application for the course and the registration for the examination are two separate steps in unisono.)
  • The number of participants in each Research Module is restricted; usually, 12 to 15 participants will be admitted. If the number of registrations is greater than the number of places available, then a selection must be made, which students will get the final admission. Here, priority will be given to more advanced students (third or fourth semester, greater number of earned credits) and to those who have not yet successfully completed a Research Module. The allocation will be handled by the examination office in consultation with the professor.
  • Up to the end of the second week of teaching, students can decide to drop the course without consequences. For this purpose,
    1. the examination registration in unisono must be cancelled    and
    2. the professor must be informed by email.
  • Dropping a course after the second week will result in a fail (grade 5.0) and count towards the maximum number of attempts (which is three).
  • Students should consider in advance that the Research Modules are intended for advanced students and are very demanding. Research Modules frequently contain several mandatory requirements with binding deadlines, such as term papers, problem sets and mid-term exams. Failure to hand in those will also result in a grade of 5.0 for the respective assignment. Moreover, enrolling to a research module and then not taking the exam may prevent other students from taking the course. Therefore, students should only register for the examination if they are sure that they will finish the course. Furthermore, due to the high amount of work related to Research Modules, it is highly recommended that students take only one Research Module in a given semester.
  • Participation in the seminar part (usually at the end of the teaching period) is mandatory. Students are responsible for avoiding scheduling conflicts by checking dates before registration, and scheduling conflicts (of any kind) will not be accepted as a reason for non-participation.
Printed Forms
Allgemeine Formulare
Antrag auf eine Sonderprüfung
Anmeldung zur Sonderprüfung
Anmeldung zur Prüfung als Zusatzleistung
Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung VOR Erbringung der Prüfungsleistung
Protokoll über die mündliche Prüfung
Anmeldung zur Abschlussarbeit (Wichtige Informationen zum Anmeldungsverfahren)
Antrag auf Verlängerung der Bearbeitungszeit der Bachelor-/Masterarbeit wegen Krankheit
Anmeldung letzter Pruefungsversuch
Rücktritt wegen Krankheit (Wichtige Informationen zur Anerkennung des Attests)
Printed Forms EP english
Recognition of External Examinations